Check out the brand new podcast here:STEILACOOM TALK
"Tony is a talented speaker
with the amazing ability to make his listeners feel engaged and involved. He exudes an atmosphere of trust and caring.
Sharon Mast
"Tony was extremely popular with our group.
His upbeat and positive message and often funny stories kept everyone engaged and entertained. It was a great way to close out our 3 day conference and walk away with a new way to think about the impact we have on others and our own lives.
From Washington Fire Chiefs Conference
Smile in the mirror
presentation was lively and entertaining, which is always nice for an afternoon when the audience may need to be invigorated just a bit. I enjoyed learning more about your family and career path. Your message is a reminder that with hard work and determination anything is possible.
Bob Ferguson
Attorney General

Cutting hair.

Newspaper job (Wilton Bulletin)

1st radio job (WDJF, Westport, Conn.)

KING 5 promo

KING 5 News

Wrestling hold tee shirt

With UW coach Don James

NYC Marathon

Sea Fair hydros

Speaker at 100s of events

Great Strides walk

Camp Goodtimes

24 hour marathon for Rick Harmon

Super Bowl 48 trophy

With Frosty Westering, PLU football coach

Pete and Tony

Doug Baldwin at Family First